Using an answering service for the holidays is a great way to make sure your callers are taken care of while you enjoy all the festivities.
It’s that time of year when you’ve got holiday parties to attend, shopping to do, and time should be spent with family/friends. Social lives just tend to get busier around the holidays, but that doesn’t mean your business gets a free pass for several weeks. You’ve still got work to do, customers to take care of, and calls to handle. This is where an answering service for the holidays can swoop in to let you get the most out of the season while still making sure your company rolls right along into the new year.
Go ahead; take a look at your calendar for the month of December. Odds are that it’s looking a little fuller than other months. You’ve got the company party and end of year meetings coming up. December tends to have plenty of birthdays that need celebrating. Perhaps you’ve got a sporting event or concert to attend. Don’t forget to make time to shop for gifts. And of course you’ll get to hang out with family and friends for traditional events or even just at random. That’s a fairly busy schedule by itself.
Oh but wait! You still have a job to do! Existing customers still need you and it’s not like you should stop bringing on new clients just because it’s almost time to get a new calendar. Maybe your business is actually one of the ones that gets EVEN BUSIER during this time of year! It’s understandable how December can become an overwhelming month for many people.
There is no doubt that a good answering service is perfect for helping people make this time of year less stressful, more productive, and very enjoyable. Whenever you have a social or family engagement to take part in, just forward your business phone line to your live support provider and they’ll take care of all your callers until you’re ready to jump back in. If you find that you get an influx of calls this time of year and can’t handle them all yourself, an answering service can provide overflow call coverage to make sure each one of your callers get the experience and help they deserve.
If you get especially busy this time of year and would like some help with call coverage, then contact us today for a free consultation to see how we can assist you with our answering service for the holidays. We use a month-to-month agreement, so you won’t get locked in to a long-term contract if you find that you don’t need the service after things settle down next month.
We hope you’re able to enjoy yourself and be plenty productive with all the festivities of this season. May you get in the spirit and have some truly happy holidays!