Learn About Customer Service From The Best in the Business: Top-Tier Hotels
The best hotels around act as an oasis for exhausted travelers. After meeting with clients, enjoying the sights of a new city, or visiting the night away, nothing is quite as welcome or as needed as a clean, quiet, and comfortable hotel room.
The people who work in and manage top-tier hotels have extremely high customer service expectations placed upon them, and yet it is their continued meeting of these expectations that lead to their hotels being known and recognized as leaders in their field. Travelers can often be a demanding bunch. Often, they are tired, busy, and stressed at being away from home, so the specialized requests may often keep the hotel staff hopping. Yet, the best of the bunch continuously meet those needs, which is why travelers who expect that kind of service continue to stay there. We can look at the general strategies employed by these types of businesses, and find ways to adapt those principles to our own workplaces.
Don’t Settle for Okay
This is something that you can apply no matter what industry you’re in. When it comes to the very best hotels, travelers will always have stories about how hotel staff did a service for them that went far beyond what you would expect when staying at a regular hotel. For example: when customers leave something behind and hotels go out of their way to find and return the object to them immediately, when hotels have off-menu food or beverages brought to the hotel to satisfy guests, or when they send a pickup shuttle well outside of their normal radius because someone has gotten lost in a strange city. These types of stories abound at the best hotels, but you can’t find nearly as many of them when talking to people who stay at run-of-the-mill facilities. Remember that going beyond what is expected of your organization is what will create a memorable impression that will stick with your customers for potentially years to come.
Sweat the Small Things
It is true, that in some areas of business it is possible to get bogged down in details. However, a much more common problem is that we gloss over the small things in order to concentrate on the big picture. Great hotels do the opposite, concentrating on every little element of the total experience a guest has in order to make it memorable. Something as simple as the placement of the remote control for when a guest enters a room has been done with consideration in the best hotels. Truly great hotels include extra amenities that they know that current guests want, such as higher-quality shower-heads, phone docks, and higher-end coffee machines. These kinds of details, based on their guests needs and wants, are what keep customers coming back.
Each Guest, or Customer, is an Individual
Treating your customers as individuals rather than as numbers in a marketing plan can yield huge results and create brand loyalty. Just look at the initiative that Accor Hotels put into action when they browsed guest’s social media profiles in order to create personalized experiences for customers of their hotels. For instance, for the customer who enjoyed cars, they would arrange for free rental of a supercar, or for sports fans, special top-tier tickets to a local game. These kinds of touches go above and beyond ordinary customer service and instead make the customer feel like they have been given a personal gift by the hotel, something that creates the kind of loyalty that regular marketing dollars can’t buy.
When it comes to customer service there’s no room ‘just being okay’. A remarkable experience keeps customers coming back and brings new ones in. Something as little answering a phone at 10pm have have long-term impacts, while not answering the one may have life-time consequence. We can learn a lot from others mistakes.